˙RSFTSTYL3$JIntl J Polymer Analysis Characterűű űűChemistryűűô ”This style is for the journal International Journal of Polymer Analysis and Characterization published by Taylor and Francis. Instructions to authors may be found at: http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/title~db=all~content=t713646643~tab=submit~mode=paper_submission_instructions If a paper delivered at a conference has been published along with other papers presented at the same conference, you should consider entering the paper as a Book Section rather than as a Conference Proceeding. That way, you will be able to include both the date and place of publication in your reference. The standard Conference Proceeding reference type in Endnote does not include fields for the year or place of publication.!X"(#$%&"(#^$%&„International Journal of Polymer Analysis and Characterization(Taylor & Francisč !hpqrsƒt¸xXyz{  , !|$ , and !xXyzd{  , !|$ , and !uX}~dd, et al.€‚, . . . vw ---űű!"hpqrsƒt¸xXyz{  , !|$  and űű!xXyzd{  , !|$ , and !uX}~dd, et al.€‚, . . . vw ---űű!#” ˆĄ˘xt‘’ “” •  . !–—t‘’ “” •  . !–—t‘’ “” •  . !–—h‘’ “” • –—t‘’ “”   űű!• –—Ä‘’ “”l  , !X"(#$%&"(#$%&• –—t‘’ “”  .űű!• –— ”Ą˘„t‘’ “” •  . !–—t‘’ “” •  . !–—h‘’ “” • –—t‘’ “”  . !• –—h‘ ’ “” • –—t‘’ “”  : !• –—h‘ ’ “” • –—t‘’ “”  .űű!• –— HĄ˘8t‘’ “” •  , !–—t‘’ “” •  . !–—h‘’ “” • –—„‘’ “” , (űű!•  )űű!–—t‘ ’ “”  , !• –—t‘ ’ “”  , !• –—t‘’ “”  .űű!• –— Ą˘t‘’ “” •  . !–—t‘’ “” •  . !–—x‘’ “” In: !• –—t‘’ “”  . !• –—„‘ ’ “”, ed.^eds. űű!• –—t‘’ “”  , !• –—|‘’ “”$ Vol. űű!• –—t‘’ “”  , !• –—|‘’ “”$ p.^pp.!• –—t‘’ “”  . !• –—h‘ ’ “” • –—t‘ ’ “”  : !• –—t‘’ “”  .űű!• –— Ą˘t‘’ “” •  . !–—t‘’ “” •  . !–—x‘’ “” In: !• –—t‘’ “”  . !• –—„‘ ’ “”, ed.^eds. űű!• –—t‘’ “”  , !• –—|‘’ “”$ Vol. űű!• –—t‘’ “”  , !• –—|‘’ “”$ p.^pp.!• –—t‘’ “”  . !• –—h‘ ’ “” • –—t‘ ’ “”  : !• –—t‘’ “”  .űű!• –—$ˆ€‘@’ “”  [űű!•  ] !–—%'p°ą`˛łP´ľś´ľś´ľś&e()L|t‘+’ “”   űű!• –—|t‘"’ “”  , !• –—|t‘’ “”  , !• –—°¨‘’ “”P >, edited and translated by űű!• –—*@ô0  , !213  ˜Ą˘ˆ€‘@’ “”  [űű!•  ]űű!–—A  Ą˘üt‘’ “” •   űű!–—€‘@’ “”  [űű!•  ]űű!–—4Xpqrsƒt¸xXyzd{  , !|$  and űű!xXydzd{  , !|$  and űű!uX}~, et al.€‚, . . . vw B$  and űű!C$  and űű!5(°ą˛ł64ĐŃŇ  -űű!7dŕá  ; !âĺćç č 8X}~, et al.€‚, . . . 9:;  , !<@=>?@ |PQZ  , !RShpqrsƒt¸xXyzd{  , !|$  and űű!xXydzd{  , !|$  and űű!uX}~, et al.€‚, . . . vw ---űű!Thpqrsƒt¸xXyzd{  , !|$  and űű!xXydzd{  , !|$  and űű!uX}~, et al.€‚, . . . vw ---űű!UVWY ŔÁÂĂÄ$ Ibid.!Ě„|‘’ “”$ Ibid.űű!• –—Ĺ$ Ibid.!ĆÇ ČÉ ĘčShpqrsƒt¸xXyzd{  , !|$  and űű!xXydzd{  , !|$  and űű!uX}~, et al.€‚, . . . vw ---űű!Thpqrsƒt¸xXyzd{  , !|$  and űű!xXydzd{  , !|$  and űű!uX}~, et al.€‚, . . . vw ---űű!ËU[L|t‘+’ “”  , !• –—|t‘"’ “”  , !• –—|t‘’ “”  , !• –—°¨‘’ “”P >, edited and translated by űű!• –—  `ab<dc, Anonymousűű!(@ABC `đńňóôőö÷řůú